I am dedicated to bringing healing and soothing skincare products of African origin to treat black skin. Come to me if you are looking for a skincare solution for healing and managing eczema, skin itching, rough patches on the skin, extremely dry skin, diaper rash, and many other skin issues with black children.

silhouette photo of a mother carrying her baby at beach during golden hour

As we get into the cold months of winter it is time to remind ourselves that using basic body lotion or cream won’t be enough to fight dry, thirsty skin.

We all need something stronger and extra protective that will stimulate collagen, improve elasticity, moisturize the skin, and keep it well hydrated. Winter or no winter, all these are necessary daily for great-looking skin. But in winter they become an absolute necessity if we want to avoid chapped unsightly dry skin.

flour in a jar

For that inexpensive, easy-to-find natural solution for cleaning and beauty purposes, Baking soda is way up there. From eliminating body odour, sweat, the buildup of plaque from teeth, soothes skin irritations to removing grease, burn marks from cookers, hard to remove stains, eliminating bad smells in the home. Bicarbonate of soda is a powerhouse!