For me, once any individual loses sight of this sequence, things start going horribly wrong. I strongly believe that most of the problems we have in the world come from most of us forgetting that before anything we are human first. Humanity has been replaced by different categorization.

We have to learn to treat ourselves kindly without feeling guilty. In the midst of all the craziness, not to forget yourself and make sure you treat yourself with kindness too. It is not just other people who need kindness and consideration from you. You need kindness and consideration from yourself too. It is crucial for self-esteem.

I fought hard to get my mindset to this stage. My self-esteem suffered a great deal at one stage of my life. I believed then I was a no good, lazy person. Right from childhood I have never been one of those who can do physical activities very well. I was always told I am lazy. I carried this image of myself around for years.