I want to share a little story with you to drive home the point that we need to be kind and considerate to everyone we meet because emotional problems and mental health issues are invisible.
We, African parents in the diaspora, automatically assumed that our children are doing well and growing up properly once they are doing academically well, not causing any trouble in school, okay at home, and physically well. Are we talking to them properly?
There are people who have some seriously warped ideas of what kindness, support, loyalty, are. Once you refused to play along with their ideas of these things you are a fake person!
For me, once any individual loses sight of this sequence, things start going horribly wrong. I strongly believe that most of the problems we have in the world come from most of us forgetting that before anything we are human first. Humanity has been replaced by different categorization.
My search for cure and solution with the fact that nobody can exactly tell me what is wrong with me is what led to depression, not the pain itself. The more I search, the more depressed and anxious I became. Especially, since all my efforts weren’t leading anywhere.
I hope you have heard loud and clear what she is saying to you. Especially those raising your daughters not to be assertive, killing their self confidence as the only way to get them husbands. This is dangerous.
How do you perceive yourself? I think the value most of us place on ourselves and our abilities may be what influences how others treat us. I trained myself to believe that nobody can look down on me unless I let them. They can try, but I am not going to let it move me one bit.
We have to learn to treat ourselves kindly without feeling guilty. In the midst of all the craziness, not to forget yourself and make sure you treat yourself with kindness too. It is not just other people who need kindness and consideration from you. You need kindness and consideration from yourself too. It is crucial for self-esteem.
Many people work themselves up online commenting and ranting on some fabricated stories. They pass judgement on one-sided stories. Cursing and abusing a person who they have never met based on what someone claimed the person did.
To those who buy from Ruka’s Place Earthy Skincare Products, may you never want for good things in your life. To those who read my blog, thank you. Invisible Illnesses will not come near your doors. My fellow Warriors, dealing with one invisible illness or another. May the good days be more than the bad days.