You have to make a conscious effort to create time and do something that really makes you happy. Happiness don’t just come organically, we have to seek it out.
I write openly about it not because I want pity or seek attention. I know of many better ways to get attention than talking about my chronic condition. Pity is not my thing. Those who know me, know I can’t stand people pitying me.
Dealing with Chronic Pain is a constant battle. I just take each day as it comes.
I am not very good at promoting myself, so I apologize in advance if this write-up is a little awkward. I am sure you will forgive me. Please ask me questions. I do better at answering questions, so ask. Enjoy Reading.
That elusive perfect business idea.
Some people are making a living out of thinking up online names and buying the rights to them. So, if you want it badly enough, be prepared to shell out some money for it.
Many people sit back whingeing and whining about how nobody supports them. Nobody is there for them. Nobody wants to help them. They conveniently forget to ask themselves ‘How many people have I being there for?’ Read more…
I am hopeful that you will find this write-up helpful. Remember you are your business, so make sure you represent it positively in all you do. Read more…
If you are afraid to live your life just because some people won’t approve, believe me, you are living their lives and not yours.
Pure Neem Oil is a vegetable oil extracted from the fruits and seeds of the Neem tree, these trees are native to Asia, especially India.