armint Essential Oil is a great healing oil for skincare, hair care, and health & well-being.
armint Essential Oil is a great healing oil for skincare, hair care, and health & well-being.
I am not talking about people talking at you or talking to you. This is purely people talking with you. You share your thoughts, no matter how weird, and they shared theirs.
Sometimes we forget when we look at a picture of someone smiling that it took only a few seconds to take that picture, how is the rest of that person’s day like?
Our attitudes and behaviour are contributing to the healing or non-healing of vulnerable people. Most of these people try so hard not to complain or show the level of their anguish just so you don’t consider them a liability. And when it gets too much and they finally voice out, what do they get? Read more…
Listen, without beating around the bush, I will like you, Dog-Owners, to know that there are people like me out there who are seriously scared of Dogs.
Networking is to aid business not the main business. Therefore the amount of time dedicated to this should reflect that. Unless your business is NETWORKING!
I think most of us won’t mind the medications and it’s numerous negative effects if only it stopped the pain. But it doesn’t, the best is to take the edge off the pain.
Stop telling people with invisible Illnesses to keep praying. Believe me, most of them are doing that already. Be of help by helping them get through day to day activities with care and respect. Chat with them. Walk with them. Respect them. Do fun things together. Make them feel like a person. Make them understand you are hanging out with them because you want to, not because you have to.
My face hurts, my eyes water, the glare from everything makes my head hurts. My ear rings and echoes. I am a mess! Read more
Another thing is I read a lot of books on small businesses, and I tried to follow the advice given in them, but I know that it will be detrimental to me to follow some of this advice, not because they are bad advice but my circumstances and health won’t go with that.