Many of us can remember what it felt like to be left out, especially in our impressionable years. I remember doing some really silly things to make others like and accept me. Making the right impression on my peers was so important to me that I will do almost anything to keep their friendship.
Most soaps strip the skin of oil and moisture, these are things every skin desperately need to prevent dryness. Do we now stay away from Soaps and not take our baths, wash our hands, do any cleaning work with soaps? Of course not, that is just impossible.
I have always wanted to make my impact in this world and had so many grand plans of how I was going to achieve this. Then, fibromyalgia came calling and all that seems gone for good. I became lost and couldn’t find my purpose. It is like a death sentence to someone like me, an ambitious person.
Body butter is an emollient that fills the skin with lipids. These lipids helps to treat dry cracked skin. This will leave skin softer, smoother, and hydrated. The skin will look and feel better.
This is an anti-ageing bar soap made with Shea Butter, Organic Turmeric Powder, Camwood Powder.
Let’s get you looking youthful in no time.
Camwood Oil is made by infusing a carrier oil with African Camwood Powder to enjoy African Camwood Powder skincare benefits coupled with the added benefits of the carrier oil used.
I am celebrating my 47th Birthday with 47 lessons out of the many lessons life has taught me so far. I hope they help someone out there.
Time to remove all signs of ageing by starting your daily beauty routine using Camwood+ Bar Soap, it will leave your skin clean, evenly toned, nourished and glowing.
Don’t forget that men have hair too. Who can resist a well-groomed beard on a man? We have handmade natural products that will promote hair growth, give smooth luxurious sleeky hair to men. Contact me if you are not sure which one to choose.
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