Ere Osi Nibi Ka Roju Koko-
This is Yoruba language. Meaning there is no gain in going around with a frown on your face.
Ere Osi Nibi Ka Roju Koko-
This is Yoruba language. Meaning there is no gain in going around with a frown on your face.
Ruka’s Place Naturally Ageless Face Cream is here to help keep those worrying ageing signs at bay. If you are looking increase moisture and elasticity in your skin, this is the product for you.
Allow me to quickly celebrate this and other clients who put their trust in me and my small business.. You are all wonderful…
Have you ever come across that saying- What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger- have you heard it before? That saying is true. But that comes with a lot of fighting on your part, no two ways about it. You have to fight.
ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM VERY DRY ROUGH SKIN SKIN? Talk To MeCall/Text:0872689155WhatsApp: 0899562674 OrEmail:
Celebrating a birthday in the holy month of Ramadan is a blessing. Thanks everyone for making the day extra special for me with your kindness. I appreciate it so much. RukaThank you- EnglishE seun- YorubaDaalu- IgboNagode- HausaShukran- ArabicGo raibh maith agat- Irish