Have you ever come across that saying- What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger- have you heard it before? That saying is true. But that comes with a lot of fighting on your part, no two ways about it. You have to fight.
A few years back when I started my small business I promised myself that no matter how bad I am feeling, no matter how tired I am, no matter how bad my pain is… I will make sure I carry out my business activities daily.
I have managed to do this. Thank God for that.
But it has not been an easy thing to do. A really tough thing to maintain daily especially on days when I would rather be in bed, left alone, doing nothing, just feeling sorry for myself.
Now I have to say that doing these activities daily really helped me a lot in building some attributes that I wasn’t naturally blessed with. I am learning to be patient, that things can’t just happen just because I want them to. A really hard lesson for someone like me.
I learned to work with my pain. I developed a lot of coping strategies. This helped a great deal when I decided to go back to work.
I am grateful to God for giving me a chance to discover myself. And for making those things that started out as challenges turn to strengths for me.
My major headache is with people who find it hard to believe that I can’t be around chatting on the phone or social media with them 24/7.
Someone once accused me of snubbing him by not replying and accepting his request to chat. I explained, politely, that I wasn’t feeling too good. He said he saw me advertising my business so I couldn’t be that sick. I just ended that conversation.
Life is not a bed of roses. I know that to make my Small Business work I have to make a lot of sacrifices, especially since I don’t have the amount of Strength and Energy most people have. I had to dig deep and find means of working with what I have.
The work most people will complete in a day may take me 2 weeks to complete. I made peace with that. I only looked hard into how to make the little work that I can do go so far.
That is why it is important to discover oneself. Don’t lie to yourself about your strengths and weaknesses.
When I stopped feeling sorry for myself and decided to fight back. I took control. Part of that control is making a promise to myself about making my life counts for something. Making my life relevant.
Making myself proud of me, is a promise I made to myself.
I am not self-praising here. I am telling it the way I see it. I knew some of my weaknesses and strengths. I am still discovering more as I progress in this journey. Each discovery is analyzed and used to the best of my ability.
Discover your strengths and weaknesses and make them work for you.
A weakness acknowledged can be turned into a strength.
I do all my physical work on my pain-free days. So, on rough days I can be curled up in bed and do my non-physical work.
I let go of things that don’t serve me in achieving my goals. A hard trade-off in some cases. But I have no room for sentiments.
People too! No matter how much I love you, if we are vibrating at different frequencies, we will have to keep our relationships long distance.
I made it a habit not too expect too much from people, because I don’t have the energy to deal with fuck-ups. And if someone keeps messing me around, have no respect for me or my time. I will gently remove myself from such relationships.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I know I am not perfect, neither am I saying I am never in the wrong. No-NO!
I just don’t have the energy to deal. Straightforward people are my favourite people. I don’t want to read meaning into what they are saying or doing, I don’t want to guess, I don’t want to keep wondering, I don’t want to tiptoe around you so I don’t hurt you.
People I can absolutely open my heart too, without inhibition. We don’t have to agree on everything, but we have mutual respect for each other’s opinion. Those are my people.
Not a lot of people around that fits that category, I am afraid.
So every day I come out and talk about my Small Business even when I am in severe pain or simply not feeling up to it. I have no choice because I have made a promise to myself, and I always keep my promises. That is how I am turning challenges life has thrown my way into strengths.
I hope this will inspire someone out there.
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My name is Ruka. Born and bred in Nigeria. Now living in Ireland.
I am a Woman, Feminist, Wife, Mother, Muslim, Black, and African. I am an Entrepreneur who also works in Finance Administration. I am a Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Warrior. I love writing and hope to make a name for myself doing it.