I just want to quickly throw this out there before I move on to other pressing things in my life. I don’t think our world values intense people the way they should be valued.
I am an intense person myself and I know how many people react, negatively, to my stands on some issues. I am past caring, but I feel it is my duty to explain who an intense person is and why they should be appreciated more.
Many people go through life sitting on the fence. Some buried their heads in the sand and pretend not to see something going wrong right in front of them. Some support wrong things because it is what everyone is doing and what they assume is expected from them. We also have those who give watery support to the right thing and expect change.
And then we have those who see something wrong, feel strongly about the unjustness of it, and stand with their whole being to make the world listen. These are the intense people!
Now, I don’t expect everyone to be an intense person, nor do I expect an intense person to be passionate about all issues they see as wrong in society. Nobody has that kind of energy!
But, when an intense person is triggered they don’t stop until they get results. Hence, most of them are successful in their chosen career. They dig their teeth into something and won’t let go until that thing gives. It is a trait that has its upsides and downsides.
Now, what can trigger an intense person? It could be anything really. It could be from past experiences, it could be unresolved issues, it could be a story or parts of a story, like I said, it could be anything.
The recent rape case in the Nigerian Yoruba Movie Industry (Nollywood) is what got me thinking. It brought home the fact that we don’t appreciate people who stand up strongly for what they believe in. This made me remember how many family, friends, and colleagues react to my stand on issues close to my heart.
People want you to support but not support fully, just like they do. They condemn you for being too attached. They find ways to criticize you and your actions. Guess what? When you finally get results they will be the first in line to reap the rewards. I have experienced this on so many occasions that I have lost count.
Intense people get results. They are not afraid to stand their ground. While some are giving wishy-washy support, they give concrete support and let whoever wants to unfriend them do so. I couldn’t care less who is still on my friends’ list and who is not.
When I stand for something, I stand with my whole being because I am made that way. I am an intense person. Some people look at me as if I am crazy. Some openly tell me to relax and take it easy. As far as I am concern, it’s all good.
The thing about most of these people is that they are used to taking the passenger seat in life. They are observers in their own lives. How are they supposed to take active roles in matters that may not have an immediate impact on them?
I have no wish to speak badly of anybody. But I am absolutely sad when I saw the way a popular Yoruba actress was being abused by my fellow Nigerians, on social media, over the recent rape issue in the Yoruba movie industry. What is her offense? She strongly supports the rape victim in seeking justice in an intense way.
It was traumatic for me to see the comments calling her a whore. Telling her to go tell her 21-year-old daughter to dress properly. Telling her why has she not been fighting other rape crimes. Telling her to leave it to the law to deal with. Telling her to go and get married.
These are the same people who were crying when George Floyd was killed in America, which started the black lives matter movement. If Americans had waited for the law to take its course, will judgment be served?
Many people forget that this lady has previously spoken about how she was molested as a child. She gave 150% support to the case at hand maybe because of her own experience. And some people condemn her support because of how her adult child dresses. Interesting!
Some people even claimed they are now supporting the accused rapist and now against the victim because of the intense nature of support this actress gave to the victim. Really? Who in their right senses does that? Disturbing!!!
Oppression won’t stop just by wishes. It stops by actions. Some of the liberties we are enjoying today are fought for by intense people. These people stood up against ridicules, criticisms, jests, physical and verbal abuses. They got the result.
But most people will rather have those who pay lip support as their heroes and mentors. They are not just comfortable sitting back while others fight for justice but they badmouth those who are not afraid to stand up.
If you can’t stand up to fight, please don’t pull people who can down. it is not cool.
People may find an intense person quite scary, I understand even though I don’t know why. But let me tell you this- An intense person is the friend to have around you in trying times. We are fearless. We will protect your interest. We are either with you or not, no in-between. And many people know not to mess with us. We get things done. We don’t take bullshit.
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