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Most immigrants will be familiar with the point of view I am passing out in this write-up. Moving and living in another country comes with advantages and also disadvantages. Especially if you are coming from economically impoverished countries.

The type of jobs you are qualified to do and the type of jobs you actually do can be two completely different things. Most of us are relegated to doing menial jobs no matter the qualifications we have. It is survival. Once you get over yourself and leave your pride aside, you get on with it and do your job happily.

This does not mean that you live miserably. Some of these menial jobs pay very well. So well that some people after paying their bills, feed and clothes themselves and their families are able to send money home to help their extended family members.

Isn’t it sad when you now see the same people getting money from your menial jobs looking down on those doing menial jobs because they are educated?

These sets of people believe that some jobs are beneath them, yet they claimed to be hungry.

Yes, sometimes we fall on hard times and we need people around us to prop us up and help us get back on our feet. That is understandable. What is not understandable is when you let pride cloud your judgement.

There are lots of well-educated people living abroad doing menial jobs. Same people you ask to give you money to pay your bills because you are too educated to sell pure water are sweeping floors, driving cabs, cleaning toilets, washing dishes, working in factories, and so forth.

Forgive my bluntness but I am really tired of seeing people wasting their lives away because they can’t see beyond their noses. Sometimes it is not laziness, it is pure pride.

I say pride because a hungry graduate still looking down on a pepper seller is definitely not hungry enough in my book. That hunger should get your brain working overtime.

The only thing to be looked down on is theft!

I cannot say how many times I have been disappointed by some Nigerian youths and their utterances. Almost every one of them wants to live large but no clear vision or idea of how this is going to come about. Nobody wants to start small. Nobody wants to get their hands dirty doing hard work. They just want to wake up and be successful.

Nigeria is one of the most populated countries in the world. Opportunity for business is huge if one is hungry enough. No doubt there are lots of problems but someone who wants it bad enough will start thinking about how to overcome them.

Some people still don’t get it that survival is what led many people to their success today. Had these people waited around looking for handouts from others they won’t be where they are today. They got up and man up.

A truly educated person will take anything and apply their education to it and turn it into something spectacular. Sitting around dreaming won’t do it. Being ashamed of taking bold steps to better your life won’t help you.

Your education is to better your life not to hinder it. Push aside shame, pride, and whatever is making you feel you are too big to do something. Let the sense of dignity that you are paying your bills and taking care of your family be your guide.

So what? You have done a great thing, you have your certificate, What then? Sit around until you get work in your field of study? Don’t be naive. Millions graduate every year, the job opportunities are not increasing at the same level. You have to do more to get ahead of others. Don’t forget that as the years roll by more people are graduating and limiting your chances.

Hard work is not only jobs you are offered. Get your brains out of their hiding places and start thinking. It doesn’t hurt. God loves a trier! Isn’t that so?

If you have 2 hands and have a little bit of self-respect you will do whatever do-able in the way of work to feed yourself and your family. Hardship is everywhere and survival is what we are all doing.

Everyone wants to be the CEO of a company. Too many people are so obsessed with titles and appearances. If you desperately want to be a CEO or want to be seen as successful why not start working on it? Start from scratch. Start where you are right now and with what you have.

The biggest problem most people seems to have is believing they need a huge amount of money before they can start a business.

Look around you, what are the challenges people are facing at the moment? Is there something you can do to change this? Not all solutions have to be intricate and difficult, sometimes the simplest solutions are the most effective. Also, not every solution is technology-based.

Bring fresh perspectives to old ways. Be inspired. Be original.

Sell anything sellable. Do anything doable. Survive in a dignified way. No job is too little or degrading if you truly have any self respect. People around you will be able to detect refinement in you if you are truly educated.

Having a certificate is just a demonstration that you can learn. It is not end all or be all. It is good to be educated. But don’t forget it is not a replacement for common sense. Also, not all education is obtained in classrooms. So please broaden your mind.

Don’t let your education be a hindrance to your progress!

Thanks a lot for reading. Please, your contributions to this post will be appreciated in the comment section below. Help by clicking like and share with your friends. Also, don’t forget to join other subscribers to receive notifications of new posts by email. I appreciate it.

Stay with me,


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About Post Author


My name is Ruka. Born and bred in Nigeria. Now living in Ireland. I am a Woman, Feminist, Wife, Mother, Muslim, Black, and African. I am an Entrepreneur who also works in Finance Administration. I am a Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Warrior. I love writing and hope to make a name for myself doing it.
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