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Okay, this write-up is directed at no one in particular. This is just my observation as I journey through life. So, please take it as it is and learn a thing or two from it, if you want. Thanks.

I noticed that those people who give a lot to others hardly take from others. That is because they naturally don’t always ask and people around them hardly offer. I freely admit that I may be wrong.

My other observation is that those people who take a lot hardly give back. That is because some of these people have made taking and taking a way of life. A sense of entitlement and inability to see that there is dignity in offering from the little you have to others. Don’t crucify me, these are my observations.

This is a new year. The year 2020 was tough on all of us, but tougher on some than others. Some lucky people had people who helped them financially and otherwise. These kind people gave to make sure others do not go without. Not because these kind people have a lot in abundance they are Just kind.

Now, I want to ask you a question, you, the recipients of goodwill from others-This Xmas holiday season, what did you send to those who were kind to you in your hour of need?

Look, if your answer is nothing, or you sent a prayer through text messages, or you call to wish them season greetings. You have not done well at all. It is absolutely bad of you.

Giving and taking is a much healthier relationship. Prayer is good, but follow it up with something physical. It doesn’t have to be something big or expensive. Something thoughtful. Something to show that you really appreciate the person and the impact they made in your life.

Even if the person has the whole world, a really thoughtful gift can touch the person more than anything. Be a giver too. Show appreciation and let those helping you know you really value them.

Yes, the person may live far away from where you are. May even be another country. This is no longer a barrier. Internet and social media in particular have made this easy.

Gifting has gone global and easier. There are lots of webshops on social media where you can buy and send gifts to someone you care about. This you can do at a very reasonable amount of money. Why are you not doing it?

Do you think those giving don’t have their tales of woes too? They do. But that doesn’t matter once they can drop what you need? Don’t let that be the case. Yes, sometimes we fall on hard times and we need people around us to prop us up and help us get back on our feet. That is understandable. What is not understandable is when you only take and don’t give.

Yorubas have a saying- Ka fi owo we owo ni owo fi ma mo. Meaning- When each hand washes the other that is how both hands get cleaned.

Life is a struggle! Treating another person like an ATM machine is wrong. Even that is not accurate, because for you to get money out of an ATM machine you have to have money in there.

Don’t be one of those people who only appear when they need something. It is not healthy behaviour. Nobody might be telling you that what you are doing is wrong because they don’t want to be accused of being judgmental. I am telling you today, it is wrong.

No matter your situation make sure you give. It brings back blessings to you. God loves a giver. Give to those less privileged than you. Give to those who helped in your hour of need. Give; don’t just take.

Appreciation is not only by mouth. Let your action, gestures, mouth, and everything. Show you appreciate the efforts of others in your life. Your benefactors have birthdays, anniversaries, seasonal holidays and so forth, make them feel your presence.

I am not a preacher. I am just a student of life. I try to write my thoughts on what I noticed going on around me and my experiences. If any of my write-ups look like I am talking to you, too bad. Then you should take a closer look at yourself.

We have been told to give without expecting anything in return. I believe that too. Here is my dilemma- Can we treat a person who not only take but give too the same way as someone who only takes and don’t give?

I am not just talking money, but everything! Let me hear your views in the comment section below. Thanks and God bless.

The Act of Gratitude

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About Post Author


My name is Ruka. Born and bred in Nigeria. Now living in Ireland. I am a Woman, Feminist, Wife, Mother, Muslim, Black, and African. I am an Entrepreneur who also works in Finance Administration. I am a Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Warrior. I love writing and hope to make a name for myself doing it.
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