For me, once any individual loses sight of this sequence, things start going horribly wrong. I strongly believe that most of the problems we have in the world come from most of us forgetting that before anything we are human first. Humanity has been replaced by different categorization.

My search for cure and solution with the fact that nobody can exactly tell me what is wrong with me is what led to depression, not the pain itself. The more I search, the more depressed and anxious I became. Especially, since all my efforts weren’t leading anywhere.

Your choice of natural oil to add to your daily routine should be based on your skin type and the skin concerns you have. For example if you have sensitive skin and wants natural oils that can help clear and delay mouth wrinkles, forehead wrinkles, eye wrinkles, sagging skin, and other ageing signs. You should be looking for Jojoba oil, Rosehip oil, Vitamin E oil, and so forth.