We must completely clean our skin to remove dirt, build-up and residue from skincare products, make-up, and environmental pollution. This is particularly important for those of us who live in cities where the level of pollution is really high.
Most of us already have a first degree in one field or another, but years of not doing anything has made these qualifications almost redundant. Some don’t have any third level education and desire it. Whatever the circumstances, the most important is to know what you want to do and set about getting the skills needed.
It is even harder because you can‘t see what is wrong. I know. There is no broken arms, head in bandages, swollen eyes, or legs covered in stitches for you to see and be reminded of the discomfort the person must be in. All you see is someone who looks perfectly normal but refusing to do normal things. It goes way beyond that, trust me.
Haaaa! Africans, especially Nigerians we all seem to be talking a lot about mental health and issues surrounding it but I fear that most of us are only paying lip service to this subject.
Skincare is not frivolity. It is to be taken seriously. Skincare is not just for outward appearances, but it also affects our mental health. Those who values their health and general well-being will take Skincare as part of their self-care.
Relationships that are causing you nothing but headaches are to be allowed to die a natural death and replaced with a more useful one. Harsh but true! Sorry.
I just want to lift your spirit up today with this lovely music for your ears and some Yoruba quotes and sayings for your eyes.
So please, join me as I celebrate this great day in my life. We are told to always look forward and never backward. I call bullshit on that. Sometimes to appreciate where you are right now, you have to look back and see where you are coming from.
When this is all over, I mean when this Corona Virus is finally over, and you are looking to treat yourself and family to some well deserved fresh air, I have some idea for you. One of such places is Kerry Bog Village Museum in Ireland.
I believed then that I don’t have enough knowledge in any field to talk to people about. My life is quite boring; I am an introvert. I just go to work and back home. Not much going on.