Please the general election is taking place on the 8th of February 2020 in Ireland, I hope you are aware of this?
I am calling all Irish Citizen to come out and let’s vote. Let’s have our say. Our vote is our power, our voice, please let’s use it.
I am a Skincare Entrepreneur. I have zero interest in politics and I am not affiliated with any political party. I decided to lend my tiny voice to this election because I see a lot of posts on social networks from people who are very angry with the government and the way the country is being run, but refusing to vote because the alternatives are not great either.
I couldn’t agree with them more. The political parties are not delivering, not one single one seems to grasp the issues that are worrying us, the masses. They are all just paying lip service and spitting out rhetoric. Pointing out problems with no real solutions offered.
That being said, we still need to come out and vote. Why?
The Proportional Representation System in Ireland helps us make our voices louder. We have to indicate the order of our choices of candidates by writing our preferred number against their pictures. This allowed our votes to be transferred from 1st choice to 2nd choice if our 1st choice was eliminated or already elected. We can prevent a candidate from getting our votes by not marking the box beside their name at all.
Some candidates are better than others. Come out and support them. Let the parties you really feel destroy the economy not get the chance to do so again by coming out and vote. Changes can’t be made by not talking or voting.
We need to tell these politicians how we feel. The best way is through voting . This is how we get to be part of the decision making and tell them what we are concerned about and expect.
Voting is how we hold them accountable for past activities. When a TD in your area did absolutely nothing but warm the Dail seats for years, you want to come out and make sure he/she doesn’t get elected again. Don’t leave this decision in the hands of others, they might mess it up.
If you don’t come out and vote, others will. How are you sure their choices will tally with yours, especially on issues you feel passionately about?
Take the cases of USA election and UK election, you see the travesties going on. We have to make sure we pick the best out of the rubbish in the absence of the right alternatives.
So let’s all come out and vote, all Irish Citizen over the age of 18. If you are not an Irish citizen please make sure you are registered to vote.
If you are in doubt of your eligibility to vote check here. www.checktheregister.ie
If it can’t find your details it is probably due to the fact that you may have moved residence in recent years. Try your previous address.
You will be required to vote in person at a named polling station, unless you have a mitigating circumstances that make this impossible like a student in full time education at an educational institution in Ireland, which is away from your home address where you are registered. Or a disability. Some Occupations too are exempted.
Remember that polling stations will open at 7am and will remain open all day the 8th of February 2020 till 10pm.
With or without a polling card take a form of identification with you to the polling station. For example your International passport, driving licence, public services card, an identity card with a photograph, student identity card, and a bill with your name and address. This is to confirm identity and address.
Please don’t take selfies showing who you voted for. Thank you.
Stay with me,
[…] The Irish General Election held on the 8th of February this year opened a lot of heated arguments on the behaviour of our African youths. Most of us saw the video circulated by one of the candidates for campaign. This individual is against the Irish Society being a Multi-Cultural Society. […]