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FIBROMYALGIA!!!! This strange name is as strange as the condition it represents.

Fibromyalgia is an enigma, a syndrome associated with widespread pain, fatigue and a wide variety of other symptoms. Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition.

According to Arthritis Ireland (www.arthritisireland.ie)

Fibromyalgia is a syndrome, which means that it is a collection of signs, symptoms and medical problems that tend to occur together but are not related to a specific, identifiable cause.

Fibromyalgia symptoms vary in intensity from individual to individual.

Some of the signs and symptoms of Fibromyalgia are:

  • Chronic, widespread pain all over the body
  • Tenderness, soreness and flu-like aches
  • Fatigue, difficulties with sleeping, restless sleep
  • Headaches, migraine, rhinitis
  • Morning stiffness
  • Impaired memory and concentration
  • Difficulty performing daily functions
  • The following conditions are often found in individuals with Fibromyalgia:
  • Depression, major depressive disorder

Simple chores or activities may prove difficult to undertake because of muscular fatigue or lack of energy.

Fibromyalgia is unlikely to be completely resolved, just managed. Treatment is aimed at improving functional ability and reducing pain.  When those suffering from Fibromyalgia can sleep better their ability to deal with pain will improve.


Managing Fibromyalgia is through a combination of medications, therapy, cognitive behavioural therapies, exercises, healthy diet, supplements, and alternative therapies.

It is important for family and friends of people with fibromyalgia to know about this condition. This will help them appreciate the pain and tiredness the person suffering is experiencing. Understanding from family and friends will help reduce feelings of frustration and depression.

Please do your best to help. Please.

Sometimes I use fibromyalgia and chronic pain interchangeably. It is important to point out that not everybody with chronic pain has fibromyalgia but almost everybody with fibromyalgia has chronic pain. Please read my post on what chronic pain is here,


Here is my humble contribution to the fibromyalgia awareness campaign. Please read and help share. When we understand what fibromyalgia is we can help our family and friends deal with it better.

I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section below.

Stay with me,


About Post Author


My name is Ruka. Born and bred in Nigeria. Now living in Ireland. I am a Woman, Feminist, Wife, Mother, Muslim, Black, and African. I am an Entrepreneur who also works in Finance Administration. I am a Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Warrior. I love writing and hope to make a name for myself doing it.
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19 thoughts on “Fibromyalgia in a nutshell

  1. Dear Ruka,

    There are some practical solutions existing to help people suffering from fibromyalgia.
    I can help. I’m connected with a multinational bases in Milan (Italy) and there are proposing for the whole Europe, first class solutions based on nanotechnology.

    They are using the natural energy to eliminate the electromagnetic chaos from our environment.
    If you read french, I would strongly recommend this excellent book : “les maladies des ondes : comment s’en preserver. Électrosensibilité – fibromyalgie – fatigue chronique” (translation : the sicknesses due to waves : how to protect yourself. Electrosensitivity – fibromyalgia – chronic fatigue).
    Written by Dr Gerard DIEUZAIDE

    I have the information. It will be a pleasure for me to share with you.

    My contact : +22995561028 (whatsapp & telegram)

    Warm regards,

    Cedric AGBOTON

    1. Thanks a lot Cedric. I really appreciate your efforts. I am always open to learning new things so this information will be appreciated. However I do not read french.

      1. No problem dear Ruka.
        I speak English.
        One product that is expected to help you is called Alpha Meta.
        It is a brown rice powder to pour into water, stir and drink.
        To be more effective, you can add an energetic pillow with far infrared technology inside : JMS3 pillow.
        It is known to give amazing results on fibromyalgia.
        It is sold in Italy. You can order online.

        You can give a try to those 2 products. You will come soon for your testimony.

        Love you


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