Someone once accused me of snobbing him by not replying and accepting his request to chat. I explained, politely, that I wasn’t feeling too good. He said he saw me advertising my business so I couldn’t be that sick. I just ended that conversation.
You have to make a conscious effort to create time and do something that really makes you happy. Happiness don’t just come organically, we have to seek it out.
I write openly about it not because I want pity or seek attention. I know of many better ways to get attention than talking about my chronic condition. Pity is not my thing. Those who know me, know I can’t stand people pitying me.
Dealing with Chronic Pain is a constant battle. I just take each day as it comes.
I am not very good at promoting myself, so I apologize in advance if this write-up is a little awkward. I am sure you will forgive me. Please ask me questions. I do better at answering questions, so ask. Enjoy Reading.
That elusive perfect business idea.
The waterfall in Powerscourt is the highest in Ireland. It cuts through rocks and falls in an idle manner that makes you wonder whether it is right to call it a waterfall. But whatever you decide to call it; it is undeniably beautiful and surrounded by beautiful scenery.